Shakesville: The Republican stonewalling for Trump never ends.
Scholars and Rogues: Contemplating Shrodinger’s Human.
Pharyngula: Jordan Peterson is a turd, abridged and unabridged
Balkinization: Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter was a hot dog on gerrymandering cases...and completely wrong.
Speaking of which, your quote of the day:
"I think it is attributable, very likely attributable, to a phenomenon that is called perpetuation of racial entitlement.” (Justice Antonin Scalia, explaining why the pre-clearance provision of the Voting Rights Act should be struck down despite unanimous support in Congress, February 27, 2013.)
Guest blogging Mike's Blog Round Up this week is Jon Perr from Perrspectives. Send your tips, recommendations, comments and angst to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com.