Fox News “constitutional expert” Dr. John Eastman recently opined that Dear Leader has been a model of legally upstanding behavior, which he views as so different from President Obama.
May 14, 2019

While the rest of us marvel at Trump’s contempt for the rule of law and Constitution, a Fox News “constitutional expert” recently opined that Dear Leader has been a model of legally upstanding behavior.

"Constitutional scholar" Dr. John C. Eastman visited Fox's Life, Liberty & Levin show Sunday night. The only law-breaking Eastman or host Mark Levin saw anywhere was on behalf of Democrats and the Russia investigation. Rather than concern themselves with a foreign country’s “sweeping and systemic” on our election, these two Trump worshipers echoed Sen. Lindsey Graham and Fox host Maria Bartiromo in acting as though Democrats, the media and Trump non-loyalists are the only enemies worthy of their attention:

LEVIN: The entire [Russia investigation] was fundamentally illegal, wasn't it?

EASTMAN: Well it was.


LEVIN: Dr. John Eastman, you're a constitutional expert. This is really a rejection by the Democratic Party and the media and the rest of them, rejection of the 2016 election, isn't it?

EASTMAN: I think so. They still can't believe that they lost that election and they're trying to rationalize that there must've been something nefarious in order to produce it...

Sadly, that’s the kind of talk we’re used to on Fox News. But I can’t recall anyone gushing over Trump’s respect for the law. Even Levin didn’t go there. But Eastman did. The exchange came near the end of the show, when the two discussed the grounds for impeachment:

EASTMAN: Well, you know, treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors had a very specific understanding. High crimes and misdemeanors were not the ordinary crime, high crimes and misdemeanors was a term of art of fundamental abuse of the office that would undermine the legitimacy of government itself. Those were the kind of things that we're talking about.

They [the framers of the Constitution] did not want a King who was above the law, who could do whatever he wanted.

LEVIN: Has that happened here?

EASTMAN: Well, no, I mean, I've been stunned at how scrupulous Trump and his team have been in staying within the legal line that they had.

They could have it otherwise. His immediate predecessor, you know, blew through the lines on executive power and constitutional authority on numerous occasions and they could have said, we are going to take what Obama did as precedent and we're going to do the same thing in the other direction, but they haven't done that.

Watch it above, from the May 12, 2019 Life, Liberty & Levin.

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