May 14, 2019

Just disgusting.

Donald Trump met far-right Nationalist Prime Minister of Hungary Victor Orban at the White House Monday and heaped praise upon him as if he were Putin himself. These right-wing authoritarian white guys stick together.

Trump said to Orban: "You're respected all over Europe. Probably like me a little bit controversial, but that's okay. You've done a good job and you've kept your country safe."

Just disgusting. Many on Twitter had more to say:

Chris Sommerfeldt: Nothing to see here, just a US president finding kinship w/ a guy who regularly muses about a white ethnostate.

"We must state that we do not want to be diverse,” Orban said in 2018. “We do not want our own color, traditions & national culture to be mixed with those of others.”

Tommy Vietor: Trump tells a xenophobic, fascist, antisemite that he's "respected all over Europe"

Reza Aslan: The Republican president praised a tyrannical fascist and avowed anti-Semite in the White House and the GOP is condemning @RashidaTlaib for saying it warms her heart to know Palestinians helped Jews fleeing the Holocaust.

Ben Rhodes: There’s zero interest advanced by heaping praise on Orban unless your foreign policy is to roll back democracy.

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