You probably haven't heard much about the new poll from Fox News which is very curious since its own network is barely mentioned.
Every other TV news network that releases a poll is trumpeted no matter what the results hold, but not on Fox News.
Can you imagine why?
Fox News built the poll on the head-to-head matchup between Trump and his Democratic rivals, but there is also a lot of other interesting information buried within it.
Joe Biden has a 10 point lead over the Orange Julius but so do Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Pete Buttigieg. It's still much too early in the process to be done and dusted.
However, I found this question and answer both disturbing and hilarious.
What would your reaction be if Donald Trump were reelected president?
Enthusiastic 21%
Pleased 15%
Neutral 13%
Displeased 20%
Scared 30%
More people are scared over Trump's possible reelection than any of the other selections. That tells you a lot.
Another big problem for Trump are his low ethical standards.

73% of the respondents basically are in favor of dreamers
52% of the respondents are against tariffs against Mexico
55% of the respondents are against building a wall along the US and Mexican border
And since the Mueller report was released now 50% of Americans believe Trump coordinated with the Russians which an increase of 6%.
That's pretty staggering since almost the entire Fox News/Business networks have labeled the investigations a "witch hunt" in concert with Donald Trump.
And on Roe v Wade, 64% do not want to overturn it compared to 27%