On Monday Donald Trump gave a speech about what his administration has done to improve the environment (made it worse) but it was so flawed and full of lies and misstatements, a normal person would have to wonder:
to whom Trump was talking?
Is normalizing presidential lying now so embedded in the Beltway media that they don't even bother to correct Donald Trump's vainglorious self-promotion and propaganda anymore?
Tom Boggioni writes, "On Twitter, journalist Steven Bechloss commented on Donald Trump’s speech about the environment by writing “This person is not well. He is spouting nonsense. He is making up stories and thinks we’re going to believe it’s a credible version of reality. Where’s his family to perform an intervention? Where is his staff? Where are patriotic Americans in a position to stop this danger.”
Kellyanne Conway's husband has been a constant critic of Donald Trump. In a epic troll, he asked the American Medical Association to forgo their rules and declare this nincompoop unfit for office.
The Goldwater Rule states, "it is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement."
Under the Trump administration haven't all the rules of normalcy been thrown out the window?
Go for it, AMA.