Bill Federer, self-proclaimed historian, cranked up the Truth & Liberty Coalition "Livecast" to warn The Faithful that liberals are plotting against them. Again.
July 13, 2019

Bill Federer is a failed Congressional candidate and current bloviator on the Salem Radio Network where he delivers a short segment called "The American Minute," which is some kind of history lesson for listeners delivered through right wing frames of course.

Federer joined the Truth & Liberty Coalition Livecast earlier this week to share some insight. This is another wingnut welfare operation intended to boost the evangelical crowd, without whom Republicans would have no hope of being re-elected.

And like all good right-wing bloviators, Federer served up a nice hot serving of conspiracy nonsense for his willing audience. His theory: Democrats are letting the crime rate rise in cities to drive Republicans out so Democrats can control the popular vote.

“You let antifa have demonstrations in the city, you let homeless people come into the city, you let the crime go up; what do people that have the financial means do? They move out," Federer explained. "So usually people who are financially responsible, a good percentage of those are Republicans."

"So in other words, you let the crime go up; a whole lot of Republicans will leave,” he concluded.

Most Republicans flee cities so they don't have to deal with those pesky brown and black folks, but Federer didn't let facts get in his way. It's hard for me to imagine rogue gangs of anti-fascists driving Republicans from cities unless those Republicans are, in fact, fascists.

On this "Livecast," the topics were diverse and far-ranging. Here are some samples:

What is being taught to our children in schools that undermines God’s plan.

· National Alzheimer’s and a revival of patriotism in the US.

· The Quakers, Betsy Ross and their stand against slavery.

· Deconstruction tactics in schools.

· Colin Kaepernick and how misinformed he is.

· Britain’s historical divide and conquer strategies and this strategy being used today in America.

Yeah, all that AND a conspiracy theory, too! Federer is Colorado-based, so I'm guessing that James Dobson's Focus on the Family has a hand in this particular broadcast.

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