12-year-old Jaylin Clyburn started mowing lawns to save for college this summer.@Lowes and @RiverboatRonHC heard his story and got him all new equipment for his growing business 💙 pic.twitter.com/PmlcdiQXH8
— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) September 6, 2019
An NFL team came under fire over the weekend after it gave an African-American child a lawnmower to help him save for college.
In a video post to Twitter over the weekend, the Carolina Panthers explained that 12-year-old Jaylin Clyburn is spending his summers mowing lawns to save for college.
"We needed his expertise so we brought him to Charlotte," the video says while Clyburn is seen pushing his lawnmore outside the team's footbal stadium.
A team official tells Clyburn that Lowe's has donated a new lawnmower on behalf of the Panthers.
Before the video ends, the 12-year-old is made "an official member" of the team's grounds crew.
Twitter users scolded the team for giving the child a lawnmower instead of a scholarship.
Read some of the critical tweets below.
You’d think one of these HUGE CORPORATIONS would’ve just given him a college scholarship so this kid could continue being a kid.
— Small Screen Girl (@KiraJW) September 8, 2019
Lol just pay for his college cheap corporations
— Zach Mcmahan (@zach_mcmahan_) September 6, 2019
Instead of really helping this young brother with a scholarship or a bond you do the minimum and then tweet it out so they world will see how Wonderful you are...folkx DO NOT congratulate them SHAME them
— the black mommy activist (@kayewhitehead) September 8, 2019
Imagine having so much yet giving this child so little. How about a scholarship so he can focus on being a kid and studying?
— gia jordan (@giajordan) September 8, 2019
Corporate propaganda at its finest. Turn a nightmare story about a kid being forced to work instead of focusing on school and doing kid stuff into a feel good story about how corporations are really nice dontcha know.
He wouldn't need to do this if we had an equitable society.— Dr. Grand Moff Duke🐍🚀 (@shaunduke) September 8, 2019
Another story of a child doing a parents job. He shouldnt have to worry about paying for college at his age he's a kid.
— Leonard 🥨 (@PretzelPapi) September 6, 2019
Bought this kid a mower lol. Pay for his college..... what kind of shit is this?
— JOE (@joe_jebeile) September 6, 2019
America is "supposed" to be the greatest country in the world🤔 Instead of giving the kid equipment to mow lawns, did it ever occur to any of these corporations to assist him with paying for college🤔 #SundayThoughts
— Own Your Masters (@ThaArchitect) September 8, 2019
You’re only a billion dollar corporation... I understand why a new lawn mower was the most you could do here 🙄
— sean carlson (@scvball) September 8, 2019
NFL stay being shitty. All the money and they gave this child a handshake and more manual labor. Kudos on continuing to show what you value.
— Consuelo Grier (@ConsueloAGrier) September 8, 2019
We heard you were working your ass of to pay for college, so we’re gonna give you new equipment to continue to work yourself to death just to be in debt when you actually get there because working yourself to death wasn’t enough. Great job guys! @Panthers @Lowes
— Asja (@KoKoRealness) September 8, 2019
Why not cover the cost for his edication so he doesn’t have to condone to child labor.
Again, being poor is expensive in America. Here’s an opportunity for a multi-billion dollar corporation to do some good bit they resort of the BARE MINIMUM.
What a shame. What a shame. pic.twitter.com/l5IxJVZHUf— Wilsar™ 🇸🇱 Follows Her Curiosity (@CallMeWilsar) September 8, 2019
this isn’t a feel good story.
a) the kid shouldn’t have to pay for college.
b) he definitely shouldn’t have to mow lawns to pay for it.
c) you rich asshole corporations should have just paid for him to go to college.
what does a lawn mower even cost for fucks sake.— Jesse Benn (@JesseBenn) September 8, 2019
Whiteness is one helluva drug.
— Pedro Nicolaci da Costa (@pdacosta) September 8, 2019