I started to write all of the trite phrases about the New Year. How it's hard to believe it's already 2020, or what a beast 2019 was and 2020 is shaping up to be, about how I hope the election comes out our way in spite of all the attempts to divide us and the efforts of the media to discourage us...
Yes, I started to write all of those things. But in the end, my 2020 message is simpler than that. Thank you, loyal readers for coming here and reading what we write, for sticking with us through injuries and illness, and for helping us welcome 2020 with hope and not dread.
Trump will tweet us out of the decade and into the new, but this time next year he will just be rage-tweeting the last of his whack followers while the rest of us try to pick up the shards of a country and move on from our 4-year national nightmare.
Today we're running some interesting syndicated articles so our staff can have the day off to enjoy football and fun with their families. We'll be back tomorrow covering all the things. Thank you again for your donations, your participation, and your support.
Happy New Year from John, Karoli, Fran, Susie, Heather, Aliza, Red, Scarce, Capper and all the gang!