The Mueller investigation was, we thought, successfully undermined by William Barr, who is now helping Trump fix the sentencing for Roger Stone.
During Tuesday's live coverage on MSNBC, Nicolle Wallace noted that Trump "isn't smart enough" to do things in a clandestine way. He is trying openly to erase the work of Robert Mueller because what Mueller did is investigate and prosecute CRIMES by Donald Trump's people.
NICOLLE WALLACE: There is something worth sort of reminding ourselves. With Trump, there are always patterns. The ends are always said out loud. They're never hidden. He's not smart enough to be sneaky about these. If you look at all of the effort, it is too not just to smear the Mueller campaign, it's to erase it. It's to forget it ever existed. What did the Mueller prosecutors do? They investigated crimes. And I think Lisa Page actually broke some news in that interview with you when you asked about the counterintelligence investigation. She said that really wasn't pursued so much by Mueller. What Mueller did was look at crimes. Where there were crimes, he investigated them. They are seeking, Donald Trump and Barr, to erase all of the crimes that were prosecuted by Mueller's team. And there is no other way... They're seeking to erase. It happened to reveal the people around him as felons.