Seth Meyers is one of many late-night comics performing their monologues and interviews from the confines of their homes during this pandemic. Though the above video is a couple of days old, its points are, and will be, sadly evergreen. In it, Myers compares Donald Trump to the dumbest Price Is Right contestant in history, with his bullsh*t prediction that the 15 COVID-19 cases would soon be "close to zero," game show sound effects and all.
He ripped Trump for ignoring "ominous" classified intelligence as far back as January about the spread of the new coronavirus, interrupting the briefings to ask questions about — get this — the availability of new vaping flavors.
Switching to the few positives that have been cause for occasional cheer while one-third of the country is on lock-down, Meyers questioned why we found Steve Martin playing the banjo in the woods such a pleasure.
I won't ruin his take on traffic in New York for you, but as a Born and Bred Brooklynite, I can confirm and concur. Meyers then takes time expressing his appreciation for the badassery of New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo. Young people? You are wrong. (About what, Dad? EVERYTHING, Son.)
After ripping on Rand Paul's knowingly potentially spreading COVID-19 all over the damn Senate, and also his unfortunate hair, Meyers moved on to Trump's grotesque and sarcastic reaction to learning that Senator Mitt Romney was self-quarantining (and his denial when called on it.)
Trump, of course, needn't worry we'll forget. He proves it to us multiple times a day, and reinforces that the term "deplorables" was even perhaps a bit too kind to describe his supporters. They're enablers. They're conspirators. They're complicit. He wouldn't have it any other way, and that is why we are in this mess.
(video clip)
REPORTER: I just want to read you what some of the doctors on the front lines of this crisis are saying--
TRUMP: You mean the ones that are saying good things, or bad things?
(end video clip)
I assure you, no one who is saying good things is a medical professional....Seriously, why are you like this? Why do you have the emotional maturity of a middle school student passing a note in class that says, "Do you like me? Check 'Yes' or 'Yes.'"