CNN's Jake Tapper confronted Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar over Trump's retweet of his racist senior citizen supporters in Florida's chants of "white power!"
June 28, 2020

It's little wonder so many members of the Trump administration look like they're completely dead inside, when they're constantly having to defend Trump's overt racism, as Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar was forced to do this morning when asked by CNN's Jake Tapper about Trump sharing a video of his supporters in Florida participating in a golf cart parade shouting "white power!" at the protesters lined up along the route.

TAPPER: I do have to ask you, I’m stunned that the president retweeted this video in which one of his apparent supporters shouts “white power.” I assume that that’s not a message you stand by.

AZAR: Well, I’ve not seen that video or that tweet, but obviously neither the president, his administration nor I would do anything to be supportive of white supremacy or anything that would support discrimination of any kind.

TAPPER: Do you think that was a mistake by the president to tweet a video in which one of his apparent supporters says “white power” very clearly on the video?

AZAR: Hey Jake, as I said, I’ve been here getting ready to speak to you. I’ve not seen that, and so I don’t want to comment further on that, but obviously the president and I and his whole administration would stand against any acts of white supremacy.”

TAPPER: Alright. Well, we just played it for you, but I’ll move on.

Tell that to your boss, Alex. It's obvious Trump and his "very fine people" would disagree.

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