House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) responded to former National Security Adviser John Bolton’s book by calling President Donald Trump “ethically unfit and intellectually unprepared to be president.”
June 19, 2020

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) responded to former National Security Adviser John Bolton’s book by calling President Donald Trump “ethically unfit and intellectually unprepared to be president.”

At her weekly press conference on Thursday, Pelosi was asked if Democratic leaders would be willing to subpoena Bolton after he alleged that Trump may have committed addition impeachable offenses.

Pelosi said that Bolton was “arrogant” for refusing to testify at Trump’s impeachment hearings.

“We did impeach the president of the United States,” she reminded reporters before slamming Senate Republicans for refusing to remove Trump from office.

“President Trump, by what we saw in the impeachment, by what others are being quoted as saying in terms of leaders in the president’s own administration,” Pelosi continued, “President Trump is clearly ethically unfit and intellectually unprepared to be the president of the United States.”

The Speaker, however, did not have kind words for Bolton despite the claims against Trump in his new book.

“He chose royalty over patriotism,” she remarked. “I don’t want to pay any money for a book that was a substitute for testifying before Congress.”

Pelosi said that Democrats are in discussions about the best way to perform oversight of the administration in light of the new allegations against Trump.

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