Acting DHS head Chad Wolf blames residents from Mexico coming in for medical treatment for the spike in cases in Texas and Arizona. Classy!
June 22, 2020

Stable Genius likes "acting" department heads who are not confirmed by the US Senate. That way he can hire unqualified hacks to promote his stupid propaganda from an official position.

Meet Chad Wolf.

The DHS "acting" secretary told Face the Nation's Margaret Brennan that “there’s a variety of reasons” for COVID19 outbreaks across the southwestern US. Rather than blame Trump's boredom with the Covid issue and his admitted "slowing down of testing," Chad suggested out loud that the spike could be tied to people who live in Mexico and are “coming back over for medical treatment.”

Transcript via CBS:

MARGARET BRENNAN: ...Just to button up on something you referred to earlier when you talked about the increase in testing that is available to those who- who may have COVID-19. I'm sure you know that there are spikes in actual hospitalizations, people actually getting sick, particularly in Arizona and in Te- in Texas. It's not just increased testing.

WOLF: Absolutely. And again, the White House Coronavirus Task Force is on top of all of these outbreaks, looking state by state, county by county. Whether it's Arizona, Texas, Florida, a number of these states that are having hot spots, that are having those upticks. So we're surging resources, medical individuals and the like, even individuals from the Department of Homeland Security. We're surging into those to- areas to understand what is the cause of that outbreak and address that proactively.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And you don't know yet what the cause of the outbreaks in all of those Sunbelt states is?

WOLF: They're all different. They're all for various different reasons. What we see is some of the outbreaks along the southwest border in Arizona, particular parts of Texas, we have about one point five million U.S.- U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents living in Mexico, coming back over for medical treatment. So there's a variety of different reasons on why you would have different outbreaks in different states. And again, we have medical professionals, CDC has sent teams into these individual areas, the Department has as well. And we're continuing to address that.

You mean expat US citizens, Chad?

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