Even Trump's illegally installed acting head of the DHS had to admit this Sunday that his department is not allowed to send agents to harass people trying to vote in the presidential election as his boss promised they'd do.
August 23, 2020

How long before Trump gives his (illegally) acting head of the DHS the boot if he defies him on the threat he just made to have his Brownshirts out there harassing people at the polls?

Chad Wolf was asked by CNN's Jake Tapper whether Trump discussed deploying any of his law enforcement agents to serve as poll watchers, and Wolf admitted what we heard from Rep. Jim Clyburn this Saturday... they know better than to try it:

TAPPER: Has the president discussed with you, deploying any of your law enforcement agents to serve as poll watchers?

WOLF: No, absolutely he has not. Again, that's not what we do at the Department of Homeland Security. We have law enforcement authorities and law enforcement officers at the department. We have express authorities given to us by Congress, and this is not one of them.

We do a lot of protection across the country for a lot of different circumstances including Portland and a number of other cities around the country, but this is not a mission for the Department of the Homeland Security.

TAPPER: So if the president told you to send armed agents from DHS to polling stations on election day, you would say, no, sir, that's not in our bailiwick?

WOLF: Jake, we don't have any authority to do that at the department.

Will this be the kiss of death for Wolf if he actually defies Trump? We can only hope, but sadly with Trump's track record, he'll just find someone even worse to install in his place.

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