June 4, 2020

Don't look away. The police brutality in the US is now an international incident, as an Australian news crew was physically battered in Washington DC on Monday. 7 News Australia reports on the attack on their reporter and cameraman:

US correspondent Amelia Brace and cameraman Tim Myers were both struck as a wall of police in riot gear moved through the area outside the White House.

Vision from the incident showed one police officer bash Myers in the torso with his shield before punching the camera.

The pair, who were up against a wall, were then directed to move on before another officer, armed with a truncheon, clubbed Brace in the back of the neck as the pair attempted to flee.

Here's video from another angle:

AMELIA BRACE: We’ve just had to run about a block as police moved in, we’ve been fired at with rubber bullets, my cameraman has been hit. We’ve also seen tear gas being used.

This was the moment police cleared the area for Donald Trump's Bible photo op.

The US Park Police did this. And they have an ACTING Chief who blames the "violent" protestors and has put the officers involved in the beating of journalists on DESK DUTY.


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