September 11, 2020

Mango Mussolini admits in yesterday's presser that he has all the time in the world to watch Fox News. But you knew that. Transcript via Media Matters.

SO-CALLED PRESIDENT: Now, what the Durham report is going to say, I can't tell you. But if they say half as much as I already know just from seeing it -- you have people -- I watch some of the shows. I watch Liz MacDonald, she's fantastic. I watched Fox Business. I watched Lou Dobbs last night, Sean Hannity last night, Tucker last night, Laura. I watched "Fox and Friends" in the morning. You watch these shows. You don't have to go too far into the details, they cover things that are -- it's really an amazing thing. They got caught in the biggest political scandal in the history of our country.

Joe Biden's response on Twitter was sharp af:

If you're dying of COVID, behind in your rent, trying to figure out how to feed and educate your kids, just be aware that your so-called president is watching TV.

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