July 21, 2024

As our John Amato pointed out, it’s pretty darned odd that we have gotten no medical report or press briefing on the condition of the 78 year-old Republican candidate for president, injured after an assassination attempt. It’s especially disturbing given the hyper focus on President Joe Biden’s physical condition.

Meanwhile, Trump is milking what he describes as a near-death experience. During his RNC speech, he said “most” thought he had been killed during the shooting at his Pennsylvania rally last weekend. If that was really the case, the mourning must have been short lived because he got up and walked off the stage in no time, though not before pumping his fist in a photo op he’s already cashing in on.

“They knew it was a shot to the head,” Trump said at the RNC. And you just know that if he could have gotten away with it, he would have said he had been shot in the head and miraculously survived with no permanent damage.

I do not mean to make light of what was actually a very serious situation and a very real assassination attempt. But the lack of a medical report suggests that, ostentatious ear bandage aside, Trump hurt his ear from something other than a bullet.

Adding to my suspicions was a report from Pittsburgh’s WPXI. In a story about the transfer of two Pittsburgh police motorcycle officers getting transferred out of the cycle unit after getting injured during the shooting, the station reported this (emphases are mine): “Video from CBS News shows those Pittsburgh officers, just minutes after they were hit with debris, in the stands helping some of the injured, even carrying one to safety.” Now, that doesn’t prove that Trump cut his ear on some debris or something else. But it does indicate that dangerous debris was flying around.

In any event, the public deserves to know just what kind of injury he suffered. The fact that Team Trump seems not to want us to know is all the more reason we should. It’s not like the guy isn't known to be a compulsive liar.

At the top of this post, I embedded a New York Times video showing how law enforcement failed to stop the assassination attempt. Interestingly, the narration refers to Trump being “hit,” not “shot.” It could be just a synonym. Or maybe not.

In any event, there’s no excuse for the mainstream media not to investigate what really happened!

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