OOPS! TIME Magazine Picks Joe Biden, Kamala Harris As Person Of The Year
Credit: time.com
December 11, 2020

Well, we were wrong yesterday. Healthcare workers weren't named TIME's Person of The Year last night, although they were one of the four finalists.

Via CNN:

New York (CNN Business)Time magazine has named Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 2020's Person of the Year.

The two made history on November 7 when they beat Donald Trump in a bitter election that put him in a small club of presidents who served only one term. Harris on that day became the country's first female, first Black and first South Asian vice president-elect.
"For changing the American story, for showing that the forces of empathy are greater than the furies of division, for sharing a vision of healing in a grieving world, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are TIME's 2020 Person of the Year," wrote Time editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal.

TIME editors said the election showed that empathy was stronger than the forces of division:

Joe Biden was elected President of the United States in the midst of an existential debate over what reality we inhabit. Perhaps the only thing Americans agree on right now is that the future of the country is at stake, even as they fiercely disagree about why. Dismissed as out of touch on the left and misrepresented as a socialist from his right, Biden stood his ground near the center and managed to thrive even as the social, digital and racial landscape around him shifted.

With more than 51%, Biden won a higher percentage of the popular vote than any challenger to a presidential incumbent since Franklin Roosevelt in 1932. “What I got most criticized for was I said we had to unite America,” he told me in a conversation (masks off, 16 ft. apart) at his unofficial transition hub in Wilmington, Del., on Dec. 7. “I never came off that message in the primary or in the general election.” Whether America can be, or even wants to be, united is a question he will soon have to face.

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