On Tuesday, the conservative social group, Pints & Politics, is hosting a special event on Tuesday evening.
This event is sponsored in part by the RWNJ locally-produced Wisconsin Conservative Digest, run by Bob Donhal, one of Wisconsin's most insane, frothing-at-the-mouth conservatives. Cosponsors also include the "small government" dark money groups, FreedomWorks, which had been founded by the Koch Boyz, and its twin group, American Majority.
This special event is nothing more than to peddle one of the most ironically named books ever written:
Meet and Greet with Adam Brandon. Learn about his new book, "Republic, Not a Democracy: How to Restore Sanity in America".
About Adam Brandon: Adam Brandon is the President of FreedomWorks, a grassroots service center to millions of activists who support smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal liberty, and rule of law. Adam joined FreedomWorks in 2005, starting in the press department and gradually moving into a management role. Adam is responsible for setting the priorities of the entire family of FreedomWorks entities, including a 501(c)(3) foundation, 501(c)(4) issue activism effort, and two political action committees.
In a way, I wish I was a fly on the wall at this event. Not because I wanted to be indoctrinated like those in attendance, but I would love to know just how many people show up for it.
I expect there would be no more than ten people for two reasons, besides the lack of intelligence of the organizers.
One, it's near downtown Milwaukee, and as anyone from southeastern Wisconsin could tell you, conservatives just hate, hate, hate going anywhere near downtown. They're deathly afraid of the nonexistent crime and even worse, there are Black people in the area.
Secondly, they scheduled this event on the same night that there is another gathering of Pints & Politics on the western side of Milwaukee County, which is a much whiter neighborhood:

And if that's not enough, it's the same doofus that organized both events!