February 15, 2022

This is one of the funnier stories to come out of the so-called 'Freedom Convoy' fiasco that's caused so many problems in Ottawa, Canada and elsewhere. A group called the Ram Ranch Resistance, named after a gay cowboy metal song with about the filthiest lyrics imaginable was used to troll and disrupt the anti-vax trucker convoy.

So, yeah, don't play the video at work as it's decidedly NSFW.

Source: Daily Dot

A member of a group that trolled trucker convoy protests by spamming them with a gay porn song infiltrated and took over a private chat protesters used to communicate and strategize.


A group of people frustrated with the protesters have taken to trolling them by posting “Ram Ranch,” Grant MacDonald’s song about gay cowboys, on protesters’ social media channels and group chats. They’ve come to be known as the Ram Ranch Resistance.

Last week, Teagan McLean decided to infiltrate the Windsor protesters’ Zello channel. On Monday, McLean told the Daily Dot that he accomplished a one-man coup in a matter of days. In that time, he said he was able to sow division, create confusion, and convince some of the protesters to leave peacefully before the authorities forced them to disperse on Friday.

“Joined on Monday as untrusted user and by Friday 6:30 I had full control and shut down their communication network half an hour before police moved,” McLean said.

Rolling Stone seemed to get the story out there first. But later, just how they managed to do it came to light.

A long thread by Paul McLeod of Buzzfeed detailed their "emergency meeting." Here's a sampling.

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