March 9, 2022

Florida Republicans and their Senate majority passed the odious HB 1557, dubbed "Don't Say Gay legislation."

Republicans are pretending this is a "parent's rights" issue. Building on the ridiculous CRT nonsense, now Republicans are enacting their homophobic agenda.

And let's not sugarcoat this. Republicans are targeting the LGBTQ+ community in the most hurtful way, using schools and children to do so.

Florida State Senator Dennis Baxley sponsored the legislation, and his rationale was barbaric.

Playing off his grandfatherly white bread appearance, described the struggles of being gay as being part of a club and trying on and experimenting with different identities.

How does he know? Baxley became concerned that sexual identity issues have been coming up. What a Neanderthal.

"I don't understand why it's such a big wave," he said.

Does he not understand as society changes and being gay doesn't give you a death sentence or long prison sentence, more people aren't afraid to come out?

"There's something wrong when were emphasizing this and all of a sudden, overnight they are a celebrity, when they felt like they were nobody," Baxley said.

Wow, who knew coming out as gay makes you a celebrity. I sure didn't and no one in the LGBTQ community did either.

This bill intimates that Florida elementary schools are actively teaching children to become gay.

There is no other way to look at it.

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