March 15, 2022

Ohio's Republican Gov. Mike DeWine just signed a bill into law allowing Ohioans to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. What could possibly go wrong? Via the Columbus Dispatch:

Senate Bill 215 will let Ohio residents 21 and older conceal firearms they are legally allowed to own without training or permits. It also removed the legal requirement for gun owners to tell police they are armed when stopped. Law enforcement will have to ask, but lying about a concealed weapon will be a misdemeanor offense.

"This is a day that will go down in history...," Buckeye Firearms Association Director Dean Rieck said in a statement. "This is a great moment for Ohio and for those who wish to more fully exercise their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms."

DeWine's decision to sign the bill into law came over objections from law enforcement groups, county sheriffs and Democrats who worried that taking away training requirements would make communities less safe.

Mike's gotta do what a Republican's gotta do to get past a primary, amirite? No matter how many people have to die for it. Guess the citizens are going to have to learn how to duck.

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