Two adorable little girls placed some sunflowers -- the national flower of Ukraine -- outside the gates of the Russian embassy in Washington, D.C. Then a Russian official of some sort pulled his car into the driveway area.
The Russian with anger issues got out of his vehicle, kicked the girls' sunflowers into the road, then quickly drove into the embassy parking area behind the gate. The angry orc was then spotted complaining about the sunflowers to a Secret Service agent at the gate.
Look, we get it. He's losing a war he was assured would take just a few days to win, and it's day 158 of the Russian invasion, so obviously, he's mad at some flowers. You can't make this stuff up. I don't like to talk about myself here, but I'll just quickly say that at one time, I was a facilitator for anger management groups for individuals that just got out of prison. They were court-mandated and did not want to be there. Some were murderers, pimps, etc.
But if this flower-hating imbecile walked into one of my groups, I'd throw my arms in the air and say, "I'm done!"
The reason is that while there was hope for many of the ex-convicts I worked with, there is no help for people like the self-entitled man driving with a diplomatic license plate, who got out of his car to kick some children's flowers, then sped to safety behind the gates like a coward. What a tough guy. It's no wonder they're losing the war.
He was mad at some flowers. There is no hope for you, Ivan. Even anger management groups won't save him.
К черту Россию. Слава Украине!