August 23, 2022

Dr. Mehmet Oz, John Fetterman's ridiculously out-of-touch Republican opponent for the Senate seat in Pennsylvania, must not have heard that you should stop digging when you're in a hole. Oz, as it happens, is still digging even though he's running a terrible campaign.

Oz has claimed that he owns two homes. Fact check: Oz owns ten homes. He recently ran away from voters in Pennsylvania. The TV doctor showed how unreliable he is when he posted a video of himself talking about the price of crudités.

And now, his campaign is just being downright cruel.

Via Business Insider:

In an exclusive statement as part of Insider's investigation into Oz, the doctor's campaign jabbed back. "If John Fetterman had ever eaten a vegetable in his life, then maybe he wouldn't have had a major stroke and wouldn't be in the position of having to lie about it constantly," Rachel Tripp, Oz's senior communications advisor, said.

It shouldn't be a shock that the Trump-endorsed candidate's advisor brought up Fetterman's recent stroke. After all, cruelty is Donald J. Trump's raison d'etre. It's just a shame that it's contagious.

"I think part of the reason he came on TV was to ramp up his profile so at some point he could go into politics," one person involved in the inception of "The Dr. Oz Show," told Insider. "He's definitely the kind of person who will do what he has to do to get what he wants."

Yeah, he sounds a bit like that former reality show star that got into politics but is now under investigation for espionage. That's a hard pass, Mehmet.

UPDATE: Fetterman responds:

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