November 30, 2022

Dr. Mehmet Oz, a carpetbagger from New Jersey, didn't have much to offer to the middle class in Pennsylvania unless, of course, voters in the state were looking for a candidate that led to the deaths of more than 300 dogs and hundreds of other animals. Or a crudité-eating candidate that has stabbed his sister with a syringe. So, Mehmet's Senate run didn't work out, and John Fetterman was victorious.

So, where does that leave Mehmet? Well, he can't seem to get his old job back. That's a shame. When you're a TV doctor (with a dubious resumé filled with snake oil remedies), and you quit your job for politics, you alienate half of your base. And he spent at least $27 million on his failed Senate run.

"No one in the mainstream will touch him," a source told RadarOnline. "You can't alienate half of your audience with a political stance and expect to bring in an audience on your return to television."

According to the outlet, Dr. Oz is "groveling to everyone he knows" to get his TV show back, but he's not wanted. His former producers reportedly won't talk to him, and Radar described him as "too toxic" for TV.

Another source told Radar, "He can't even get a word with his former producers. Dr. Oz is a social creature who likes to hear himself talk, and it's beginning to dawn on him that he's just [not] wanted in Hollywood circles anymore."

Even Oprah Winfrey stepped up to endorse Oz's opponent, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (D), so he can't count on her.

Via RadarOnline:

We’re told that Oz had impressed execs at Fox News and Newsmax but no firm offers materialized. Oz is expected to return in small roles on the right-wing networks.

However, sources said Oz wants his own show back, telling us, “He wants a daily gig. But it is not going to happen.”

Another source said, “He’s beating the bushes to revive his health-oriented talk show and groveling to everyone he knows to give him a break, but he’s not making much progress.”

An insider claimed, “He can’t even get a word with his former producers. Dr. Oz is a social creature who likes to hear himself talk, and it’s beginning to dawn on him that he’s just now wanted in Hollywood circles anymore.”

Mehmet tied himself to the least popular president in history, and like Trump, he had zero political experience. So, stuff happens. At least he can comfort himself with his eleventy bazillion homes --- none of which are in Pennsylvania. He'll never get the stink of Trump off of him.

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