December 3, 2022

When writing about politics, we're supposed to know what we're writing about, but when it comes to Donald J. Trump, you sometimes can't translate his gibberish. He could be in a rage over the Twitter documents that Matt Taibbi tweeted yesterday, even though it only implicates himself since he was the president in 2020, not Biden. And, of course, Twitter is a private company. Or, he could just be screaming into the void, still airing his grievances about an election he lost in 2020.

Just before midnight, Trump sent out this message:

I am glad that everyone is now seeing the light on what I have been saying loud and clear for the last two years, that the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged and stolen by a combination of Democrats, Big Tech, "law enforcement," and other bad actors. Sadly, we have become a corrupt Country, perhaps one of the most corrupt anywhere in the world. We MUST right this horrible wrong, and take our Country back!

After midnight, Lumpy unleashed this comment on Truth Social:

Wow! That's a really big story about Twitter and various forms of government Fraud including, specifically, Election Fraud. The same level of Fraud took place with the other Big Tech companies, if not even worse (if that's possible?). We are living in a VERY CORRUPT COUNTRY &, AS THEY ARE SAYING ALL OVER THE INTERNET, "NOTHING WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT BECAUSE THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT & FBI ARE TOTALLY CORRUPT." But they'll keep investigating "boxes" that were legally & openly taken from the W.H.

Trump started off his morning with this today:

"Trump was right again!" (On 2020 Election) Most used statement.

It's been 760 days since Trump lost the election, and he wants to know if the 2020 results can be thrown out or if we can hold a new election:

So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great "Founders" did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!

Elon's Twitter reveal didn't reveal anything, but conservatives will claim to be victims of whatever it is they can squeeze out of Taibbi's tweets.

In a nutshell, both sides contacted Twitter, but only one side was in power: Trump.

Even Sebastian Gorka was underwhelmed:

Trump was in power in 2020:

How is it that the wealthiest man in the world is an absolute moron? He doesn't understand how the First Amendment works. As for Trump, he's never going to stop doing this.

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