George Santos Appeared At 'Stop The Steal' Rally Wearing Stolen Scarf
Credit: Screengrab/WSMV
January 15, 2023

Just one of many stolen items allegedly stolen by the congressman of New York's third electoral district.

Source: Patch

QUEENS, NY — Former friends of the embattled Long Island congressman George Santos said they believe he wore a stolen Burberry scarf as he delivered a speech Jan. 5, 2021 at a Freedom Plaza rally declaring that the 2020 congressional election was stolen from him.

Santos spoke at the Stop the Steal "coalition pre-rally" the day before supporters of Former President Trump gathered at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. According to a Newsday report, Santos said he attended the Jan. 6 rally but did not enter the Capitol.

Two former Santos roommates, Gregory Morey-Parker and Yasser Rabello, told Patch they suspect Santos, 34, stole a Burberry scarf from Morey-Parker when Morey-Parker rented space from Santos in a Queens apartment he shared with his family.

The two men previously told Patch several items went missing while they lived with Santos, including phones, expensive dress shirts and checks from a checkbook.

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