January 10, 2023

Donald Trump sounds nervous after the revelations that the Georgia special grand jury investigating whether the former President and his allies violated the law in their efforts to overturn the 2020 election has completed its work.

So, of course, Bloaty McBatshit took to his Truth Social platform to lash out, claiming that it's a "Witch Hunt" and that the phone calls were "PERFECT" because no one "hung up" on him.

"As has been stated many times concerning the World's longest running Witch Hunt, my phone call(s) to Georgia Officials were PERFECT, perhaps even more so than my PERFECT call to the President of Ukraine, which led to complete Victory on Impeachment Hoax #1," he screamed into the void. "Even the Washington Post apologized for their incorrect statements. The call to the Secretary of State challenged Election Integrity, or lack there of, which is my Right/Duty. Also, many people on the call, & nobody "hung up" or was offended!"

Sigh. That's not how it works, you insufferable twat.

During Trump's phone call, the now-former President falsely claimed that he had won Georgia by "hundreds of thousands of votes" and insisted that the certified election results were wrong. They were not wrong. Trump, of course, had no proof to back up his lies.

Trump claimed that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger should "reevaluate" the election's results, citing various unfounded conspiracy theories regarding voting in the state - again, while offering no proof.

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