Tucker Carlson goes to great lengths trying to make believe the battle in the Republican caucus for the speaker is not unusual in US politics.
January 6, 2023

Thursday evening, Tucker Carlson attacked Ben Domenech and many other Fox pundits for claiming the Republican fight for the Speakership is a big problem for the GOP.

"None of it qualifies as especially unusual or even bad," Carlson said. "This is what democracy is supposed to look like. It’s how the system is supposed to work. But don’t tell the moron community that,” he said.

Carlson played a series of video clips from rival networks which included this thought from Fox News' Ben Domenech: "The way that they've gone to achieve these demands has resulted in essentially a terrorist standoff between them and the overwhelming majority of people in their conference."

"The failure to make it super easy and simple for Kevin McCarthy is extremism," Carlson howled.

"Then another one of the buffoons in the clip you just saw (Ben) went further and called the whole thing terrorism, which is the remorseless use of violence against a civilian population to effect a political goal,” Carlson said.

Almost all of Fox News has been essentially saying the same thing as Ben Domenech, describing this Speaker battle as a disaster for the newly-elected Republican House majority.

This standoff is anything but normal politics. It's been 100 years since there was a vicious battle in one political party (after gaining control of the House) that did not coalesce around one candidate for Speaker.

Domenech resides at The Federalist, a MAGA apology rag, and Carlson leads the White Power hour on Fox News.

I do enjoy watching the people that have radicalized the Republicans bash each other.

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