'Chilly Willy' - How A Phallic Iceberg Broke The Internet
Credit: Facebook
May 3, 2023

A photographer named Pretty from a town called Dildo on the banks of Conception Bay in Newfoundland posts pictures of icebergs shaped like...well, what this looks like. It's almost too perfect.

Source: The Guardian

It was a calm spring day when Canadian photographer Ken Pretty spotted an interestingly shaped 30ft iceberg off Newfoundland’s east coast.

As he flew his drone overhead, Pretty, who hails from the town of Dildo, realized the hulk of ice bore a distinct resemblance to a characteristic part of the male human anatomy.

“Looking from the land, it wasn’t quite clear,” said Pretty. “But once I got the drone out there, it was unreal how much it looked like – well, you know …”

Pretty’s images of the phallic berg prompted an outpouring of hilarity on Facebook, where users speculated that the iceberg would probably soon drift past Dick’s Cove, Newfoundland, or suggesting it could provide ice for the “stiffest drink”.

Another asked: “Is that where baby icebergs come from?”

One woman dubbed it a “dickie berg”. “That name has definitely stuck,” said Pretty.

Pretty said that the resemblance was so marked that many had presumed the image was fake. “People don’t believe it’s real. They think it’s photoshopped and all that,” he said. “I can tell you - it’s real.”

Ken Pretty's Facebook post.

Harbour Grace iceberg taken today April 27, 2023

Posted by Ken Pretty on Thursday, 27 April 2023

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