"No matter who says what, whatever fairy tales they are telling, a bullet to the forehead is the sole salvation for Prigozhin and [Dmitry] Utkin," Andrey Gurulyov said.
June 26, 2023

An ex-Russian commander and current Stata Duma member grew exasperated on Kremlin TV last night, listening to the verbal contortions his fellow propagandists were going through on "Evening with Vladimir Solovyov." For him, it was simple, "treason cannot be forgiven under any circumstances," and Yevgeny Prigozhin would be wise to end it all before someone else does it for him.

Russia lost six helicopters - including three Mi-8 MTPRs specializing in electronic warfare - as well as a sophisticated Il-22 plane used to conduct battle plans at high altitudes. In all, upwards of 39 pilots were lost, making it the single worst day for the Russian air force since the second world war. And it was done by other Russians.

Source: International Business Times

A former commander of the Russian army said he wants to put a bullet in Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin's forehead after the latter launched an insurrection over the weekend.

Speaking during a broadcast of the "Evening with Vladimir Solovyov" show Sunday, retired deputy commander of the 58th Combined Arms Army of the Southern Military District Andrey Gurulyov said he believes "traitors have to be destroyed," specifically Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin, who is the alleged co-founder of the Wagner private military company (PMC).

"I am firmly convinced that during wartime, traitors have to be destroyed! Today, no matter who says what, whatever fairy tales they are telling, a bullet to the forehead is the sole salvation for Prigozhin and [Dmitry] Utkin," he said, as translated by The Daily Beast. "They know me! They know that I stand behind my every word. There is no other option!"

Gurulyov also blasted the Kremlin for entering a deal with Prigozhin, adding that "treason cannot be forgiven under any circumstances."

"It simply can't be forgiven, regardless of any past achievements! I will repeat it once again: the only way out for these friends is to kill themselves before [a] bullet finds them! There are no other options for traitors," he said.

He also bad-mouthed the deal that had all charges dropped against Prigozhin. However, that has now been denied, making Yevgeny Prigozhin a wanted fugitive.

Criminal charges against Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin for "organizing an armed mutiny” have not yet been dropped as Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) continues its investigation into this weekend’s dramatic events, multiple news agencies reported Monday, citing anonymous law enforcement officials.

The FSB pressed criminal charges against Prigozhin on Friday night for inciting an armed uprising after he vowed to overthrow Russia’s military leadership. Within hours, his mercenary fighters had taken control of a Defense Ministry headquarters in the southern city of Rostov-on-Don and launched a rapid advance toward Moscow.

The charges are punishable by 12 to 20 years in prison.

And the full video by Julia Davis.

UPDATE: Less than 24 hrs later, Andrey Gurulyov walks back his comments because they reflected badly on Putin striking a deal with Prigozhin. Russia, a nation of cowards.

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