The propagandists on the Fox "news" channel continue to prove that there's no lie too big or too small they'd be unwilling to tell in the service of Dear Leader. Here's Fox & Friends Weekend host Will Cain likening the charges in the indictment of Donald Trump to a mere "traffic fine" and hoping that none of the lemmings that watch his show ever bother to actually go read what's in it.
CAIN: I went through this story. I went through the legal implications of this entire indictment, the Presidential Records Act, whether or not it holds, versus the Espionage Act. I went through the history of where this has been done in the United States and where it's been done across the world, and I went through the severity of the allegations of the indictment, of the charges.
And the bottom line is, the takeaway is one that I'll share with you this morning. What I think this is, is this is the equivalent of throwing the book at a traffic fine.
This is not... we cannot look at this situation and go, wow, it's clear that president Trump crossed all his t's and dotted his i's, but when it comes to these documents, they just don't amount, in a political atmosphere, in a free democracy, they do not amount to throwing the book at a person who is your primary political rival, because that is the stuff that puts us in the same category as third world countries. *
The biggest takeaway is, no, president Trump doesn't appear to be blameless in this situation, but you going after this and it's not something that anyone has gone after in the United States in our history, suggests you have other motives than “No one is above the law.” You have motives, to manipulate an election.
Sorry Will, but ignoring Trump's criminality would be what puts us in the same category as some third world countries. As usual, it's opposite-land over at Fox fake "news."
*Donald Trump was indicted by a grand jury consisting of ordinary citizens who may never have even seen the White House, much less be his "primary political rival." The evidence speaks for itself. It actually SCREAMS for itself. - Ed.