Howard Kurtz, host of Fox News' Media Buzz spent no more than seventeen seconds discussing a major controversy that was created by his network.
June 18, 2023

Howard Kurtz, host of Fox News' Media Buzz spent no more than seventeen seconds discussing a major controversy that was created by his network.

Last week during Donald Trump's arraignment, Fox News posted their worst chyron ever attacking President Biden as a "wannabe dictator" for "arresting his political rivals" while carrying a split image of Trump talking and Biden muted.

This was met with derision from all credible media outlets. Fox News soon responded after the chyron went viral, issuing a statement saying, “the chyron was taken down immediately and was addressed.”. Ultimately they fired a former Tucker Carlson producer who they claim was the culprit.

The Post noted that the chyron stayed on the screen for 27 seconds, which is not an immediate removal.

During today's Buzzworthy segment, since Howard Kurtz does his show about the media, he did address the Fox News controversy.

That is if you call fourteen seconds devoted to the situation addressing it.

Fox News kept the offensive chyron posted for at least twenty-seven seconds, one would think Kurtz would spend maybe thirty seconds on the incident and tell his viewers what actually happened?

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