July 12, 2023

With no evidence or actual witnesses, Sen. Ted Cruz told Fox News that if everything whistleblowers are telling him about the Hunter Biden investigation, then Merrick Garland must be investigated.

"If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas!"

But if they are, if they're telling the truth, their testimony is flatly contradictory with what Merrick Garland has said under oath.

I questioned Merrick Garland in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee and he told the Judiciary Committee under oath that the US Attorney investigating Hunter Biden had complete authority to investigate and that there was zero political interference.

His statement is directly contrary to what the whistleblower said.

[But it's NOT contradictory to what the actual US Attorney said, TED.]

The house needs to have a hearing.

They need to have both whistleblowers under oath.

They need to have David Weiss, the US attorney.

David Weiss already sent your colleague Lindsey Graham a letter calling out the so-called whistleblower's BS, Ted.

Rep. James Comer offers up the same nonsense to appease the MAGA cult, but when there is no crime there is no evidence.

"Lather, rinse, repeat," is what Republicans have been left with. Their investigation of the investigators has turned up bupkis.

They can't call a witness under oath who has already lied to the FBI and is being indicted for that. Also, he's a fugitive, having skipped bail in Cyprus.

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