February 1, 2023

Sen. Ted Cruz, trying to stay warm in the new Texas freeze, told MAGA cultist Charlie Kirk that Democrats are entirely behind infanticide.

Cruz used "the children" to smear the entire Democratic party and their supporters by listing off every sick and twisted thing Marsha Blackburn rants about during her alone time.

You know, how Democrats want genderless children while grooming and mutilating them in their litter boxes. Those kinds of sick fantasies.

"On the question of life, the Democratic Party are controlled by the radical friends that believe in abortion up until the moment of birth and even birth in some circumstances," Cruz said.

These are types of attacks used to be hurled only by House Republicans, but saintly Senators like Cruz are using it to suck up to the MAGA cult now and inflame their base.

How embarrassing.

The radical fringe of America was on display right here.

Shouldn't Sen. Cruz be running off to Cancún about this time?

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