September 5, 2023

Summer Boismier is a brave hero.

When the State of Oklahoma passed a stupid "anti-CRT" law and required teachers and librarians to "cover or remove" so-called undesirable literature from their libraries and classrooms, Boismier got out some red poster rolls and wrapped the bookshelves. She wrote on the outside, "books the state does not want you to read," and she provided a QR code linking to the Brooklyn Public Library's banned book initiative, which helps students around the country fight censorship.

Summer Boismier was forced out of her job and now works for... The Brooklyn Public Library.

State Superintendent Ryan Walters wasn't satisfied and pushed to revoke Boismier's teaching license.

OF COURSE Summer Boismier is a former teacher of the year.

And now she is suing Ryan Walters for defamation.

We're hoping she is awarded E. Jean Carroll amounts of money.

UPDATE: Ryan Walters is ceding Oklahoma education to Prager U as of today.

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