"Are you going to take a two page document from an individual that claimed it was worth three billion dollars?" Cohen said.
November 6, 2023

During an interview with Michael Cohen yesterday, Ali Velshi noted that "Donald Trump, this self-made billionaire, is neither self-made and possibly not a billionaire."

"I'm sure if you take the assets and you add them up, they are certainly worth a billion dollars," Cohen said.

"That, of course, discounts the fact that there are outstanding obligations, liabilities on those assets. But putting all that aside, you are correct. Alina Habba has no idea what she's doing. she is playing to a party of one. All she's doing is parroting the buzzwords that Donald likes to hear," referring to her insistence that his brand is worth billions.

Cohen said Habba has no idea how to determine brand value.

"Obviously, I know you have had on the show Donny Deutsch. He is a great guy to be asking about stuff like this. But the brand value should be predicated upon what that brand will bring to a deal.

"So, take a look at Trump's name in areas outside of real estate. Trump vodka. Trump mortgage. Trump university. Trump steaks. Trump ice. You can go on and on of the failed business ventures that are licensed to use his name. So if something produces a company that cannot generate profit, how do you anticipate that there's a brand value here of three billion dollars or more? Why? The same way Trump talked about the statement of financial condition. It's all about what he believes and what he believes, he thinks everybody else should believe."

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