CNN host Jake Tapper called out Sen. J.D. Vance on Sunday (R-OH) after he claimed that Republicans do not want to curb birth control rights for women.
December 10, 2023

CNN host Jake Tapper called out Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) on Sunday after he claimed that Republicans do not want to curb birth control rights for women.

"I also think we have to win the trust back of the American people, and one of the ways to do that is to be the truly pro-family party," Vance told Tapper during a discussion about abortion.

"Is birth control part of that policy, empowering women to be able to make those decisions before they get pregnant?" Tapper asked.

"I don't think that I know any Republican, at least not a Republican with a brain that's trying to take those rights away from people, but I think it goes deeper than that," Vance replied.

Tapper interrupted.

"I mean, I could provide a list for you if you wanted," the CNN host said.

"Well, okay," Vance said, insisting he did not talk to those Republicans.

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