The rule adopted by the FCC mandates that cable and satellite companies clearly state the total cost, including fees for regional sports programming as a single line item.
March 15, 2024

Another in a continuing series of consumer-friendly regulations from the Biden administration. Via CBS News:

New rules for cable and satellite-TV providers means the companies need to clearly show total costs for video subscriptions, including extraneous fees that can add up to triple digits a year, the Federal Communications Commission announced on Thursday.

"Charges and fees for video programming provided by cable and DBS (direct broadcast satellite) providers are often obscured in misleading promotional materials and bills, which causes significant and costly confusion for consumers," the FCC stated.

The rule adopted by the FCC mandates that cable and satellite companies clearly state the total cost, including fees for regional sports programming as a single line item.

According to advocacy groups Consumer Reports and Public Knowledge, broadcast TV, regional sports and set-top box rentals mean an additional $37 to the average monthly bill, or up to a third of the total.

And of course the cable providers trade association is wailing and gnashing their teeth, saying it would be "too hard" to send out bills with regional pricing. Oh please.

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