WI Republicans Flip Flop Again On Drop Boxes
Credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images
May 19, 2024

Wisconsin Republicans are so very confused about where they stand on ballot drop boxes, they don't even know their own position anymore. For decades, Republicans were all for drop boxes and wanted them in every county. Then when Trump lost in 2020 and blamed, in part, voter fraud because of drop boxes, the Republicans were dead set against them. By 2022, they managed to get the matter before the corrupt, conservative supreme court and had them deemed to be illegal. They continued their opposition just a few days ago, when they again argued against them when the supreme court revisited the issue earlier this week

But now, even before the supreme court has rendered a ruling, Republicans are all gung-ho about encouraging their base to use drop boxes if and when they are deemed legal again:

If the Wisconsin Supreme Court reinstates the broad use of ballot drop boxes, Republicans in the key battleground state say they’ll be prepared to encourage their voters to use them in this year’s presidential election — even though they've heavily criticized that method of voting in the past.

Wisconsin Republicans say it will be one part of a multipronged approach in anticipation of the expanded use of drop boxes in the state, with another element likely to be a monitoring program to look for fraud and abuse by Democrats.

The strategy underscores an ongoing shift in attitudes toward early and alternative voting methods within the GOP nationally. Republicans all the way up to former President Donald Trump had until recently falsely claimed or insinuated that the drop boxes were a source of fraud during the 2020 election.

The unspoken part is that Republicans would be all for drop boxes if there was a way to make them for Republican use only. After all, they really are in favor of democracy, as long as it doesn't apply to people who don't vote for them.

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