May 31, 2024

Politico carries water for Trump by making it sound like Omarosa made the whole thing up:

The recording appears to show Manigault Newman, along with Trump campaign aides Katrina Pierson and Lynne Patton, discussing during the 2016 campaign how to respond to something inappropriate candidate Donald Trump said, although they do not specify on the tape what word or words he used. Manigault Newman has alleged that there is a recording of Trump using the N-word from his time hosting NBC’s “The Apprentice” and that that is what she, Pierson and Patton were discussing.

“I’m trying to find out at least what context it was used in, to help us maybe try to figure out a way to spin it,” a woman, identified as Pierson by Manigault Newman, said on the tape.

“I said, ‘Well, sir, can you think of any time this might have happened?’ and he said ‘No,’” Patton said, according to the tape, to which Manigault Newman replied, “Well, that’s not true.”

The other staffers gave statements today denying the story and saying Manigault Newman made it up.

But then another story came out today which seems to support her version. Oops!

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