President Biden Has Some Choice Words For Trump’s ‘Unified Reich’ Post
Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images
May 22, 2024

In case you missed it, Donald Trump posted a video to his social media site on Monday, talking about “what’s next for America” if he gets back into the White House. As C&L’s Heather noted, the video calls for a “unified Reich” more than once.

The Trump campaign blamed the post on a staffer even though the post was made while Trump was on a lunch break from his Manhattan criminal trial, Heather also pointed out. The Biden campaign has since posted a video of Trump saying that he and Dan Scavino are the only ones who post on Trump’s social media accounts. So clearly, it was the too-cowardly-to-admit-it Trump who did the posting.

Now Biden has posted a video on social media with some choice words for the Hitlerian wannabe.

In Biden’s video, he looks at Trump’s “what’s next for America” video and asks incredulously, “Is this on his official account? Wow!” Biden continues, “A ‘unified Reich?’ That’s Hitler’s language. That’s not America’s. He cares about holding on to power. I care about you.”

In a related email, the Biden campaign reminded that it took Trump nearly a day to remove the video. Also, this is far from the first time Trump has revealed his inner Hitler. Some examples:

If you don’t want anyone channeling their inner Hitler living in the White House, you must vote for Biden. There’s simply no other choice. Period.

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