State Supreme Court Candidate Thinks He's Above The Law
Credit: Screencap
June 21, 2024

Brad Schimel is a former Wisconsin Attorney General, a current Waukesha County judge and a candidate for the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 2025. One would think he knows something about the law, including following it. Or maybe he's just a Republican and thinks he's above the law. Like in 2021 when he got pulled over for speeding and played the "Do you know who I am?" card:

Newly obtained records and dash cam video show Schimel, a former Republican attorney general who is now a Waukesha County judge, was pulled over by a member of the State Patrol for driving 78 mph in a 55-mph zone early on June 4, 2021, while heading north on state Highway 22 in Shawano County.

Asked by the state trooper where he was going, Schimel dropped the name of Outagamie County Judge Vince Biskupic, saying he was headed to his cabin, nearby in the Town of Cecil.

The trooper then asked if there was anything else she should know, such as whether he had probation issues or outstanding warrants. "No," Schimel said initially before adding: "I'm a judge in Waukesha."

Apparently, that move is very effective:

The point was not lost on the cop, who wrote in her report, "Driver advised he is a judge for Waukesha Co."

After completing a check on Schimel, the trooper returned to his white Ford F-150 pickup and told Schimel that she was lowering the ticket to going 70 mph in a 55-mph zone, noting, "That’s what I’d do for any other person, OK?"

The change knocked down the amount of Schimel's fine from $225.70 to $175.30, a savings of $50, and reduced the points on his driving record from six points to four. He pleaded no contest and paid the fine.

And this is small beans for him. His time as the state attorney general comes with a lot of baggage as well, not the least of which is his rabid anti-abortion stance. And the election isn't until the spring of 2025.

I better stock up on more popcorn.

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