June 28, 2024

Just minutes after the CNN debate was done, Joe Biden headed to a watch party to speak to supporters.

Listen to the difference in his voice! Without being a conspiracy theorist, I have to wonder if Biden's mic levels were set properly. I'm not saying they were wrong on purpose, but his voice is clear as a bell here literally minutes after the end of the debate.

Trump is such a loudmouth, it makes one wonder if they adjusted mic levels for him and in the process had Biden's too low.

It's water under the bridge, I suppose, but it's going to be a frustrating Friday with all the cable networks pawing at the carcass of a debate debacle.

What I would like is for people to understand what the real choice is here, and it's not one between two guys arguing over their golf handicap. There is a choice between continuing this American experiment or ending it. A choice for women between life and death. Or, as Gavin Newsom said last night, it's the difference between "daylight and darkness."

Here he is at a Waffle House, and I'm wondering the same thing as Victoria:

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