September 12, 2024

Longtime Republican focus group and pollster Frank Luntz lit into Donald Trump's awful presidential debate showing to Piers Morgan on his Uncensored streaming program.

Early in the debate, Luntz was criticizing Kamala Harris' facial expressions, which was sexist and he was rebuked on Xitter about it.

But then as the debate went on, he expressed his displeasure with demented Donald.

Piers Morgan asked Luntz if Kamala won the debate, does that mean the election, too?

LUNTZ: I think more accurately it's that Donald Trump lost and this is not the worst debate performance I've seen in my career but it's very close to it.

The conversations about people eating dogs and cats, calling the leader of Hungary one of the greatest world leaders, repeatedly missing the opportunity to focus on inflation and affordability and the complete inability to present his point of view without completely tearing into her, into Joe Biden, into whomever was in his sights.

It was a pretty negative performance, pretty pessimistic, cynical, contemptuous and I think that this will cost him, yes, I'm trying to decide if I want to go on record and the answer is yes, I think that he loses because of this debate performance.

Not an A, then? Trump has been crying about the refs and even about Fox News commentators who honestly said he lost to the Vice President.

There's still along way to go, but Kamala Harris showed she should be the next Commander in Chief.

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