June 12, 2024

Republicans will vote today on whether to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. They are going after Garland, and I doubt they have the votes, just like they didn't have the votes to impeach President Joe Biden for daring to exist. It's just another waste of time by Republicans, and California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell was there to remind them of that.

"This is not about the contempt of the Attorney General, it's about MAGA Republicans' contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and democracy," Swalwell said. "And it's about who any of us came here to fight for. MAGA Republicans are fighting for one person at the cost of what your constituents actually care about."

"You're fighting for a felon," he continued. "You're fighting for a felon. On this side, we're fighting for working people. We're fighting for the kids, and the teachers, and the soldiers, and the cops, and the firefighters, and the bakers, and the butchers, people who go to work every day and count on us to do something for them."

"And you, you're working for a felon, a felon," he said. Twelve of his neighbors, people in the community where he committed crimes, made 34 decisions, and 408 straight times, they said guilty.

"So, let me make it clear where we stand," he added. "We will choose families over felons, verdicts over vengeance, and people over politics."

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