July 24, 2024

Real America's Voice host Charlie Kirk opened up his show by telling his viewers they should be very worried about Kamala Harris taking over the Democratic ticket in November.

Kirk, Christian and white nationalist conspiracy theorist and MAGAt lieutenant offered these words of warning to the cult.

CHARLIE KIRK: Joe Biden has dropped out of the race and Kamala Harris has now assumed control of the Democrat party.

There's a lot of stories here to unpack.

The most important one is that this race is going to be tight.

This race is going to come down to a couple thousand votes in a couple states.

Are you doing your part?

Find new voters.

Every single day, this is not going to be a major landslide, any of that nonsense.

We must stay focused on the boring and the nitty gritty.

I thought the race was going to be a blowout for the cockwobbler unless the Democrats cheated.

Get your story straight, asswipe.

I can say one thing with certainty. The MAGA cult and the QAnon GOP are very worried about running against VP Harris.

The people's response to her candidacy has been more than tremendous; it has been historic.

With Steve Bannon in prison, a laughable and disgraced Peter Navarro isn't making up for his absence and neither is Kirk.

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