July 30, 2024

Christian Nationalist white supremacist a-hole Charlie Kirk dug up the tired and withered MAGA culture war garbage, claiming VP Kamala Harris wants to hijack your kids and help transition them. Or something.

MAGA creeps have been lying about California for decades now. Kirk most likely is discussing California's law banning schools from telling parents if their students want to change their pronouns. Wow. How awful. The last thing a teacher wants to do is meddle in family affairs. They're pronouns not hormones, Charlie.

Kirk believes the transgender movement is an introductory phase to get humans to mess with machines, but really, he just lies about anything related to the LGBTQ community.

President Trump then zeroed in on a very, very effective attack vector against Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris will now have to answer for the idea that teachers in California are not allowed to tell parents when their kids are medically transitioning.

So let's pretend you are a sixth grade teacher in Orange County, California, in Huntington Beach, California. You're a sixth grade teacher and a kid begins to identify as Steve instead of Susie.

As a sixth grade teacher in Huntington Beach, California, you are not allowed to call up the parent. You are not allowed to notify the parent.

This is pure, unadulterated Marxism.

The destruction of the nuclear family, as we know it, where parents are no longer even allowed to know that their kids are being called by different names, receiving medical treatments.

Kamala Harris is in favor of this.

Kamala Harris and her gang of California radicals and mobsters have been pushing for the state to have more power than parents.

President Trump exploited this and attacked it.

And every Christian in the country, you better understand that if Kamala Harris becomes president, she will nationalize this California law and make it so that the state can kidnap your child under trans-related issues.

Kamala Harris seeks to kidnap your child via the trans agenda.

How discussing pronouns leads to VP Harris kidnapping and conducting surgeries on students is a MAGA QAnon fantasy, but there is no limit to the winger imagination.

Kirk is proud to spread lies and conspiracies like he always does.

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