July 15, 2024

Fox News Sunday host put the blame squarely of all highly offensive and grossly inflammatory talk on the Democratic Party and anyone from the left.

Incredibly Michael Whatley, RNC Chairman, refused to assign blame to anyone at this time.

BREAM: Do you think that this is a bit of a wake-up call that rhetoric has gotten so heated there are accusations and you know comments about the fact that electing somebody would be the end of democracy as we know it that kind of thing we had former Attorney General Bill Barr say last night," Democrats have got to stop their grossly irresponsible talk about President Trump being an existential threat to democracy, he is not."

Trump tried to get Bill Barr to cosign his election fraud lies and he refused. Isn't that a threat to U.S .democracy alone? What about the insurrection, hang Mike Pence and the fake electors scheme?

BREAM: Where do we go in our political conversation? I mean this country is built on being able to disagree and do it in a very heated way but what about this?

WHATLEY: Well it is, but there is no place in politics in any way shape or form for this kind of violence for these types of actions. It's a horrific act and we certainly don't know all of the details and we're gonna have time for investigations on it, but right now I think everybody in America needs to stop -- they need to pause -- they need to reflect on what is actually important for us in this political process going forward.

And you know fortunately we are here in Milwaukee and the show is is going to take place I think it's tremendously important for us as a country that the Republican Party is going to move forward we are going to be strong we are going to be resilient and certainly President Trump is going to be strong and resilient.

Whatley was very measured, which is what the country needs.

Trump is a clear and present danger to U.S. democracy. He's made that clear since he lost in 2020. That's not an exaggeration, it's a clear message he and his cult have been sending. From Josh Hawley promoting Christian nationalism to Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts warning that the second American revolution doesn't have to include bloodshed.

Project 2025 proves the point as they've been exposed as devising the plan to do just that and while also taking apart the very fabric of the federal government.

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