July 19, 2024

In an interview last week, George Conway said he realized something was not right with Trump after an unsettling encounter with the then-president at then-Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s 2017 wedding. And by 2019, he said he’d become “thoroughly convinced” that Trump “was out of his f**king mind.” Via The Independent:

[...] Conway is launching a new political action committee, the Anti-Psychopath PAC, which he says will “highlight the existential threat Donald Trump poses to democracy and remind voters of the former president’s mental unfitness for office.”

Although it was originally set to begin on Monday, the first day of the Republican National Convention, Conway delayed the project after the assassination attempt on Trump during a campaign rally last Saturday.

He told The Independent that the “despicable attempt on the former president’s life” does not change Trump’s “ingrained and lifelong psychological traits.”

“it certainly does not lessen the need for a serious public discussion about his manifest mental disorders and the dangers they present to the nation and the world,” he added.

He's not happy with the double standard that's applied to Biden but not Trump:

“We’ve all seen videos of Trump slurring words and rambling nonsensically even with the help of a teleprompter—most recently about sharks and electrocution and Hannibal Lecter,” he said. “But Donald Trump has a bigger problem, and it’s not his age: It’s the fact that Donald Trump has never been right in the head.”

“His own people know it, and always have. And he’s not simply eccentric or odd in a good way. He’s unwell—mentally unwell—in a dangerous way,” he said, adding that he believes Trump is a “malignant narcissist”.

Continuing, Conway claims that Trump is “a pathological liar” who shares psychological characteristics that he claims are shared by “dangerous cult leaders and dictators.”

Conway says the American press has been unwilling to cover Trump’s mental health because it remains “the last taboo” in political reporting. (Plus, I suspect they're scared shitless of him.)

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